Views: 2378 Author: Publish Time:2022-04-11 15:30:58 Origin: Colshine
Like most dogs, my puppy and her big sister enjoy playing with tennis balls.
LARRY OLMSTEDThere’s been a 90% increase in pet fostering requests nationwide since the COVID-19 outbreak, according to Time Magazine. NBC News reported that animal shelters across the country have been emptied, and on top of that surge in new pet owners, there are also all the folks going the traditional route and getting puppies.
I am one of the latter, and while we had been planning to add a puppy to our household and give our golden retriever a new baby sister for over a year, the timing of the litter worked out so that the new puppy entered our life just as the nation was starting to shut down, about a month and a half ago.
We are both fortunate and experienced as this is the fifth dog we’ve raised over the past 25 years, and the second one in our home right now, so we had a lot of the knowledge and products required, but still needed to also buy a bunch of new puppy stuff. I’ve written quite a bit about quality pet gear here at Forbes in years past, so I figured I would put my expertise to good use for all of those newfound pet owners across the country. Most of this is stuff you can get right now without leaving your home.
Collar and Leash: Probably the first thing you need to buy, before the actual dog arrives. There are tons of brands and styles, and at the outset, the practical differences are pretty small. But for collars I have always liked Lupine, a New Hampshire-based company that does colorful, stylish deigns that are domestically made and lifetime guaranteed, as well as EVERKING, one of the best-known top-quality pet gear companies out there.